The year 2022, or the first summer season, in the cultural place "Atmodas Dārzs" was bustling with visitors, offering a new cultural place, 

where to cool down a little from the city center life bubbling around.


On June 4, 2022, the "WAKE UP" celebration of the opening of the new cultural center "Atmodas Dārzs" took place in Karosta throughout the day.

During the day part of the festive event, the invited guests were greeted by the author of the concept of the place, Madars Markus - Narvils, and thanked everyone who contributed to the creation of the place. "This is a very special moment for me personally, because this is a project that has many facets - architecture, design, nature, culture and gastronomy," Madars admitted after the official address. The property was purchased at an auction from the municipality of Liepāja and will be arranged within two years so that the "Kūp BBQ" open-air cafe can be located there and cultural events can take place. The chairman of the Liepāja City Council, Gunārs Ansiņš, also positively evaluates what has been done, wishing that this place "brings joy to both the city and Karosta" in his speech. In order for the place to bring not only joy and satisfaction this summer, but also fruits in the future, an apple tree was symbolically planted. Throughout the day, the event's visitors were also invited to participate in the creative process and creation of the garden.

mākslinieks Elementton
An unusual work called "Wake up, art" was created by the graffiti artist Elementton during the event, and many visitors watched his work with fascination.  It should be mentioned that the painted sculpture of Elementton will in the future welcome every visitor of the cultural site at the entrance to the territory.
mestarklase ar Solvitu Bruži

Everyone had the opportunity to plant their own sunflower in the future sunflower garden. The guests of the event could also paint the stones of the rock garden together with the artist Solvita Bruže. On the other hand, the bright artist Irita Timbra invited to participate in the master workshop "Rebirth of flower pots".

Gunārs Ansiņš, Madars Markuss - Narvils

During the celebration, an environmental object was also unveiled - a mosaic wall, which was created by the mosaic artist Agnese Zariņa for almost half a year. The 25-square-meter wall, made in the mosaic technique, is one of the largest environmental objects of its kind in Latvia, and will certainly become a symbol of the "Garden of Revival" cultural center over time..

Very Cool People

A strong culmination of the opening celebration was the evening program, in the warm-up part of which DJ Jāns Grabovskis created a pleasant atmosphere of the event and in which the bright representatives of funk and fusion, the association "Very Cool People" with the program "Very Cool Party" performed as the main artists.

Adventes pasākumi "Ziemosta"

2022. gada novembrī “Atmodas Dārzs” teritorijā pirmo reizi tika izvietota Karostas galvenā Ziemassvētku egle. Šī nozīmīgā notikuma ietvaros “Atmodas Dārzs” komanda liepājniekiem un tās viesiem, organizēja adventes pasākumus “Ziemosta”. 

Četrās svētdienās apmeklētāji tika ieaicināti Ziemassvētku stāstos par Karostu - tās izcelsmi un attīstību dažādos laika posmos. Adventes svētku programmā apmeklētāji varēja baudīt tirdziņu, izstādes, meistarklases, pasākumam atbilstošu ēdienkarti, braucienu zirga pajūgā un labdarības koncertus. Pasākuma laikā saziedotie līdzekļi tika nodoti Karostas bezpeļņas organizācijai “Cerība bērniem”. 

Cariskā karosta

Laiks, kad dāmas un kungi izskatījās kā no gleznām izkāpuši - izsmalcināti un nedaudz lepni. Karostas bruģētās ielas pieklaudzinājā zirgu pakavu skaņas. Šeit ieeja bija tikai militārajām personām.

brīvvalsts karosta

Esam lepni – beidzot mums ir sava valsts – Latvija. Karosta turpina saglabāt savu īpašo statusu – tā ir stratēģiski svarīga, skaista un nepieejama.


Laiks, kad oficiāli Ziemassvētkus svinēt nedrīkstēja. Laiks, kad cilvēki ticēja slepenībā. Ticēja mīlestībai, brīnumiem un atmodai. Pamazām cilvēki kļuva drosmīgāki, pauda savu nostāju un Latvijas vārds sāka atdzimt no jauna.


Karosta vairs nav aizslēgta, tā ir brīva un atvērta. Šodien, šeit dzīvo dažādi ļaudis: gan izsenis šeit esošie, gan jaunie, kuriem Karosta ir atradums un patvērums. Kontrastainā Karosta.